
Feeds Manufacturers and Suppliers

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Pellets are often too large for newly hatched poultry. Crumbles are pellets that have been sent through rollers to break them into granules. This is often used for chick feed. Scratch grain (or scratch feed) consists of one or more varieties of whole, cracked, or rolled grains...

We have Two brand feed first own our brand Asian Feeds ..

Ingredients that are used in preparing poultry feed are Maize,Bajra,Deoiled Rice Bran,Rice Polish,Jowar,Soybean Meal,Deoiled Ground Nut Extraction,Deoiled Sunflower,Deoiled Rapesead, Fish Meal,Meat & Bone Meal,Shells,Marble Powder,Marble Chips. The poultry industry relies on a few major ingredients for feed formulation...

We have Two brand feed first own our brand Asian Feeds ..

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